About This Blog

Everyone I know is suddenly a foodie and everyone I know is also suddenly a photographer.  I don't know when this happened.  Initially, everyone I knew was some kind of techie or scientist doing some kind of random technical, IT or office job.  Then one day they simultaneously all acquired a taste for Excellent Food and a really, really good camera. My Facebook feed became overwhelmed with pictures of duck confit with randomly orange sauce, beef with red chilis and blue moons, and warm portobello and circus peanut salad. 

I wanted in, so I started a food blog of my own.

Unfortunately, I don't own a good camera.  I just have the cheap camera on my iPhone.  And I don't really cook.  Or eat out at good places.  Because I'm still just a scientist/techie doing a random job to pay my bills.  To make matters worse, I usually forget to take pictures of my food til it's eaten.

Occasionally my friend Irene, who is actually a professional photographer who knows how to cook, will contribute something.  But usually it's just me, an empty plate and my iPhone.
