Stupid Whatever S phone! I took pictures of this musical buffet brunch and then the stupid phone lost them. Actually, it lost a whole bunch of photos. I had no idea where they were, but I knew I hadn't deleted them. I had to mount the stupid phone onto my machine to retrieve the damned pictures. Stupid Whatever S phone!
All this to say that I didn't get around to writing about this brunch until now.
Back when The Spousal Unit and I were young and child-free, we used to go to this place for shows on a semi-regular basis. It's in a "bohemian" (read: filthy and decrepit) neighbourhood that is quasi-famous in Canada thanks to a short-lived early-80s sitcom. Of course in the 80s the neighbourhood was "ethnic" and there was an actual market. Or so I'm told.
Now the place is just filthy and full of hipsters who long for an "authentic" "ethnic" experience. Of course, I never realized this until I went there for brunch recently.
The World's Tiniest Latkes shared the table with The World's Tiniest Slivers of Dessert |
I was there to watch a friend's band play. They're really good and they aren't hipster authentic by any stretch of the imagination. They're actually old guys who've been playing together for ages and are probably the farthest things from hipsters you can get. I have no problem with them or their music. Hence why they're my friends.
The brunch. It's a "yiddish" brunch. And a bunch of hipsters go there for an "authentic" "Jewish" "experience". It's very ironic and meta. Everyone's there in their fanciest shitty cloths, eating The World's Tiniest Latkes and The World's Tiniest Slices of Dessert, feeling all self-congratulatory about their choice of eating establishment because it shows that they're, you know,
urbane and shit.
The food was OK, but I was woefully inappropriately dressed for brunch.