Do you live with a small proto-human referred to as a "toddler"? I do. It's interesting. They can't be reasoned with; they can't -- or won't? -- follow simple instructions; and their manual dexterity is somewhat underdeveloped. They also insist. And when they don't get their way, they throw themselves on the floor and scream.
Yesterday I had two mushy bananas sitting around and I decided that they needed to be made into muffins. My usual muffin recipe takes 3 bananas, so I had to go trolling the internets for a 2 banana recipe. I found one and was gonna make it while the toddler napped.
But the toddler did not nap. Instead the toddler kept running around the apartment like a bat out of hell, so I decided that making muffins would be a "nice activity" to do with it.
Because the recipe only used two bananas, there was more milk and oil in it than my usual recipe (banana being a wet ingredient), so already the texture of the batter was a bit different than usual. Then the toddler insisted on stirring the batter.
Toddler are not very dexterous. The toddler ended up mixing the batter for about half an hour -- without actually having mixed it! -- before I managed to wrench it away from it and actually mix it. But by then the damage was done.

Anyways, the muffins were the only non-soup food I ate all day. The toddler ate all the chips in the muffins. The Spousal Unit just kept repeating, "these aren't the same as usual" and only ate half of one.
I've learned my lesson: always use the 3 banana recipe and don't bake with a toddler.
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