Today's lunch was brought to you by sitting at home alone, somewhat sick. Because of this, I didn't put much effort into lunch. Instead I just warmed up a Jane's something-something frozen pollock fish fillet thingy. It was OK. I prefer the beer battered fish that tastes mostly of oil and fat and sad desperation. This one just kinda tasted of fish, breaded.

I washed the whole thing down with some coffee, natch, and some chocolate. Now, a note about coffee: I usually buy Kimbo espresso coffee in the black packaging (Napoletano? Who the fuck knows), but it's been kinda scarce lately, so I've had to buy other coffees. The before-last time I bought coffee, I bought Illy coffee that costs $14-$16 a container, about $10 more than the Kimbo.
Now, many people have said to me, "Snaddy, Illy coffee tastes no better than regular $5 coffee. You just think it tastes better because you paid more for it." To those people I say "Pffffffffffft!" Especially after I essentially did a blind taste test with Kimbo Gold Medal coffee.

As the Black Kimbo was still unavailable the last time I went grocery shopping, I bought Kimbo Gold Medal coffee ($6). That evening, I asked my Spousal Unit to make me an espresso. I figured he was making it with the Illy since there was still some left. When I went to taste the coffee, I was amazed at how bitter and tasteless it was. So I says to the Spousal Unit, I says, "Dude, did you make the coffee with grey water or something?" And he's all, "Dude, no. I made it with the new coffee." And there you have it: there is a difference between Illy coffee and Kimbo Gold Medal.
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