Tuesday, March 6, 2012

I Refuse to Stop Taking Pictures of My Empty Plates!

The office (well, the whole building) receives The Globe and Mail newspaper daily.  It gets left in the breakroom where everyone reads it over lunch or snacks or other breaks.  It was a good newspaper a couple of decades ago, but has since become a bastion of dumbass in a sea of stupid.  Their "Life" section is an especially poor example of what constitutes journalism, with crowd-sourced advice columns and reader-submitter "essays" about how having knee surgery made them appreciate gardening. 

Today, along with a story about how Beyonce is breastfeeding or something, there was an opinion piece about how everyone needs to stop taking pictures of their food unless they have something interesting to say about it. 

I don't know what this guy's problem is, but I'm not going to stop taking puerile pictures of plates just because he told me to!  In fact, I'm going to take more!  And say less!  There!  How'd you like that, silly Globe&Mail guy?  Pfffffffffffffff!!!!!!!!!

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