It took a while, but I finally found a Starbucks VIA bleuch that doesn't totally suck! Starbucks VIA Tribute Bleuch is pretty OK. I'm not going to say it's awesome, because it isn't. The most I can say is that I didn't grimace and go "Euch" on my first sip. I didn't get that disgusting acidic burnt flavour that is Starbuck's trademark. It also didn't have a watered-down taste the way the Veranda Bleuch does. It doesn't taste of anything but coffee. Pretty decent, OK coffee. In fact, I'd say that it tastes a lot like MacDonald's new coffee.
The espresso cup is amazed that the culturally insensitive mug was emptied of its contents. |
Now you may be wondering why the hell I keep buying Starbucks VIA Bleuch when I obviously dislike it. Well, it's because of all the instant coffees, it's the only one that doesn't taste absolutely hideous. Most instants taste like coffee-flavoured syrup dissolved in water. They have this weird, empty aftertaste that makes you question why anyone not stuck on a submarine in the South Pacific circa 1944 would agree to drink this shit. It also confirms that instant Karma doesn't exist because the marketing geniuses who convinced people not stuck on a submarine in the South Pacific circa 1944 to drink this shit weren't automatically struck by lightning or hit by giant boulders on their ways home.
Starbucks VIA at least tastes like real coffee. It tastes like Starbucks shitty coffee, yes, but coffee nonetheless.
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