Saturday, February 11, 2012

There is no "Chicken Dinner" Jelly Belly

So here we are at the end of another work week, and what do I have to show for it?  Roast chicken.  Spousal Unit decided to make roast chicken one night.  I thought he was insane, but aside from eating at 9pm, it worked out quite well.  We had leftovers for days!  (Especially since we didn't really eat much when it was made because we kinda ate grilled cheese sandwiches while we waited for the chicken to cook.)

On Thursday I had leftover roast chicken with rice "pulao" (it wasn't really rice was rice made with some random spices that kinda didn't really work) and Peri Peri sauce.  I also threw caution to the wind and had a root beer from the office drink fridge.  It was so good!  I haven't had root beer in years.

During lunch, one of my coworkers wandered in with a handful of Jelly Bellys.  It turned out that he had had a bowl of them on his desk for months and no one had noticed.  He was tired of seeing them there, so he brought them into the lunch room one handful at a time.  Mmmmm...

Because I can't say no to Jelly Bellys, I took some.  But because you can't pick and choose your Jelly Bellys when you're in company, I had to just take a handful and deal with what I got.  I still tried to grab more Buttered Popcorn and Marshmallow ones, but a stupid Watermelon one got in the mix.  I hate the Watermelon Jelly Bellys:  Sure they're all clever being green on the outside and red on the inside, but they taste like Watermelon Bubblicious Gum and that is a sin that cannot be forgiven.

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